Meriwether Lewis Projects Near Completion

We are excited to announce the Meriwether Lewis projects are close to completion. In 2009 the Natchez Trace Parkway began construction on a $3.5 million dollar rehabilitation project at the Meriwether Lewis death and burial site (Milepost 386).
Natchez Trace Parkway staff coordinated the engineering, design, and aesthetics of the site. Numerous projects were included in the overall site rehabilitation.
Projects include but are not limited to: rehabilitation of two restroom facilities to current accessibility standards, construction of one new restroom facility and one new parking lot, planting of hundreds of new trees, replacement of all picnic tables and grills, repaving of the entire site, installation of new directional signage and split rail, placement of power lines underground, addressing deferred maintenance on existing  structures, rehabilitation of the 1935 ranger station/cabin, design and construction of new walking trail and the installation of a new solar voltaic array which will generate enough electricity to power most of the site. New exhibits on Meriwether Lewis are being designed and will be installed in the cabin and on the new walking trail. Two entrance signs have been installed. These projects should be completed within the next six months.
All of these projects were funded by the American Recovery and Rehabilitation Act.
Photos taken by Terry Wildy.