The final battles of the Civil War in Mississippi were fought in and around Tupelo. From decisive Confederate victories at the Battle of Brice’s Crossroads to bitter defeats at the Battle of Tupelo/Harrisburg and the Battle of King’s Creek, Tupelo played an important part in the War Between the States. The last stands of the Confederate cavalry in Northeast Mississippi occurred here in the summer of 1864. Military history was made at the sites marked on the Civil War Trail, telling Tupelo’s story during this tumultuous time in our history.

Town Creek – Tupelo Encampment – 80 North Veterans Boulevard

Plank Road – 470 East Main Street Gateway Park

The Iron Furnace – Across from 105 South Front Street – Mitchell, McNutt & Sams Law Office

Battle of King’s Creek – 550 Spring Street – Old Mill Town Park

The Younger Cabin – Corner of Jefferson and Broadway Streets

Tupelo Baptist Church – 300 North Church Street – First Baptist Church

Sample Home – Rutherford Road just South of 689 Rutherford Road at the Entrance to the BankPlus Sportsplex Parking Lot