Throughout Tupelo, MS
The Civil Rights era was a turbulent time in this nation’s history, especially in the South. The fight for equality was felt throughout our country, oftentimes met with violence, even after segregationist laws were retracted and integration became the law of the land. Tupelo’s leaders in both the white and black communities worked tirelessly to ensure that the violence displayed in other cities did not overtake this town. Marches were held and voices were heard, and while the struggle was not an easy one, the era of integration was ushered into Tupelo without violence. The Civil Rights and African American Heritage Trail tells the story of those who fought and worked together for a better Tupelo.
F.W. Woolworth – 131 W. Main St. – Reed’s Bookstore
Spring Hill Missionary Baptist Church – 593 N. Green St.
Green Street Business District – Corner of the 400 Block of Tolbert Street and 1000 Block of North Green Street
Carver Elementary School – 910 North Green Street
Robins Field – Corner of Jackson Street and North Madison Street at Robins Field/Noble Park
R.C. Cola Plant/Dixie Belle Theater – 106 Franklin Street – Mayfield Law Firm
Shake Rag – 399 East Main Street – Tupelo CVB/Former Site of Shake Rag District